My attempt to show who has the better players in the Red Sox vs Yankees. Will millionaire Yankees come on top? Or does the Nations players have the edge? Lets see!

First Base: Mark Teixeira vs. Kevin Youkilis
Winner: Mark Teixeira

Reason: We all know Youk can be a clutch player in do-or-die situations and even though he does have a higher OPS and SLG% than Tex, I would have a power hitter and a run producer any given day in my team.

Fielding Fact: Both of them have only 1 error this whole season.

Second Base: Robinson Cano vs. Dustin Pedroia
Winner: Robinson Cano

Reason: I'm shocked myself! Tell you the truth I had written down Pedroia until I saw Canos stats. Cano has the better AVG, SLG, OPS, more H, HR, RBI and a better FPCT. One of the most underrated players in the bigs. Still in wow.

Fielding Fact: Cano is currently 8th in all of MLB (Based on FPCT)

Shortstop: Derek Jeter vs. Who knows (Julio Lugo?)
Winner: Derek Jeter

Reason: It's Derek Jeter. "The Captain". It might sound unfair, but the Red Sox don't have no true shortstop.

Fielding Fact: 3 errors on the season. He never gets old.

Third Base: Alex Rodirguez vs. Mike Lowell
Winner: Mike Lowell

Reason: Well both have been dealing with injuries. And both are amazing players, but I would have to go with Mike Lowell in this one. Yes A-Rod in probably the next home run king, but Mike Lowell has been a player to count on when the post-season comes unlike Rodriguez, that is known to choke in the playoffs.

Fielding Fact: 2005 Gold Glove winner

Catcher: Jorge Posada vs. Jason Varitek
Winner: Jorge Posada

Reason: Both are amazing catchers behind the plate and both are gifted switch hitters, but I would give this one to Posada because he will give a team more RBIs than Varitek. ( 13 years: Posada 921 RBI, Varitek 690)

Fielding Fact: Has 306 PO

Left Field: Johnny Damon vs. Jason Bay
Winner: Jason Bay

Reason: Jason Bay has done a terrific job filling the big shoes of Manny Ramirez in front of the Green Monster and has 72 RBIs this season. Damon has been dealing with injuries that prevent him from being a great player like in his Boston days, but he still can hit the long balls.

Fielding Fact: 9 A this season.

Center Field: Melky Cabrera vs. Jacoby Ellsbury
Winner: Jacoby Ellsbury

Reason: Ellsbury has the better speed and covers a ton of ground in center field. With his speed, Ellsbury has managed to steal 37 bases, while Cabrera has only 5.

Fielding Fact: Ellsbury with 178 PO this season.

Left Field: Nick Swisher vs. J.D Drew
Winner: Nick Swisher

Reason: Nick Swisher can play any outfield position and first base. J.D always has a set back because of injuries, but still is helpful in the team.

Fielding Fact: 971 FPCT

DH: Hideki Matsui vs. David Ortiz
Winner: David Ortiz

Reason: Big Papi has been struggling this season and it seems the departure of Manny Ramirez took a negative impact on Ortiz, but he has been showing signs of gettting better lately.

Pitching Staff:
Winner: Red Sox

Reason: The Yankees go big name pitchers like A.J Burnett and C.C Sabathia this off-season and they have done pretty well this, but with all the money they could be better. So the Red Sox pitching staff doesn't get paid all the big money but does put up very excellent numbers. World Series MVP Josh Beckett and Knuckle-Baller Tim Wakefield are two of the top pitchers in all of baseball. Also Jon Lester and Brad Penny are also wonderful help for the team. It seems like the Boston rotation gets better and better every year.

Closer: Mariano Rivera vs. Jonathan Papelbon
Winner: Jonathan Papelbon

Reason: Mariano Rivera, the best closer of our time? Many will say so and he still has the nasty stuff to close out important games, but right now Jonathan Papelbon has the whole world in his hands right now. I'm every time Papelbon comes into the 9th and ready to close out the game, All three batters due are intimidated by that stare that Papelbon gives when he ready to throw the heat. Plus, Papelbon has the lower ERA than Rivera this season.

Conclusion: The Yankees might have the big bat but like they always say, "Good pitching beats good hitting". And it has shown when these two have met this season.

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